Give your mounts a little extra class with . . .
Custom, quality engraved plates for any mount, with Quick Turn-Around.
Plates start at $4.00 each.
Our standard size plate is 2.5"x1.25".
We are also able to offer any size plate you may need, as we cut our own engraving materials.
We have in stock the following color combinations for metal plates:
- Black/Gold - Black plate with gold type
- Gold/Black - Gold plate with letters blackened
- Silver/Black - Silver plate with letters blackened
Plates may have square, rounded or notched corners. Double sided tape is provided on back of the plate or it can be drilled for screws.
- Standard 2.5"x1.25" plates are $4.00 each.
- Double plates (one plate on top of the another) are $1.00 extra.
This includes up to five lines of engraving and taped backs. - Plates other than standard size are $.45 per square inch
($4.00 minimum per plate).
They also include engraving and taped backs.
Drilled with screws - $0.10 extra
As an alternative to metal plates we also offer plastic engraved plates. The pricing is the same as the metal plates. Plastic plates are available in the following color combinations:
- Black/White
- Gold/Black
- Silver/Black
- Woodgrain/White
Sublimated plates can also be provided for your mounts. Wildlife artwork can be put on the plate along with the information you need. Type will be in black ink. Plate colors available are:
- Gold
- Silver
- White
Plate size minimum is 3"x1.5".
We cut our own material so we can cut whatever size you need.
They are $0.55 per square inch ($4.75 minimum per plate).
We prefer that you mail, fax or email your order to us, in a legible manner. That way you know for sure what it should say and there is less chance of error. If we engrave the wrong information and it is our fault we will send you a corrected plate ASAP. We will not guarantee any orders taken over the phone. There is too large of a margin for error.
For best results, you may fill out our online order form.
We ship your order to you within 48 hours of receipt. If you have a problem with anything you receive we'll take care of it immediately. We stand behind our products and will make sure each order is supplied to your satisfaction.
Your order will be shipped to you by mail or UPS.
Open accounts are available to established customers.
Kentucky residents add 6% sales tax.
MasterCard and VISA will be accepted. $10.00 minimum credit card orders.
Our website is not secure for credit cards, so if you want to pay with credit card, either call or fax us
your information.
Phone: 270-250-3784
Fax 270-384-0938
Place order online